Thursday, December 25, 2014


We are so behind schedule. We should be setting up camp somewhere in Winslow AZ by now, but we barely just left Laughlin and have just crossed over into Arizona. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Primm, NV

Just crossed the first state line on my Road trip. We stopped at Primm, Nevada to get gas, but I noticed it was mostly dark at Buffalo Bill's. That's my favorite casino at state line! I love that roller coaster! It was the only roller coaster I've ever been on that gave me butterflies in my tummy. I loved that they had a huge lounge non-gamblers could sit at for hours, waiting for their gambler friends. I read there for hours. Oh, I hope they are just renovating. 

Baker, CA

It's now 57 degrees in Baker according to the big thermometer. 

The 15

Living in LA, I don't get to see many stars. I'm lucky if I see 10. This is the first time in 6 months I've looked up in the sky and it's filled with stars. I can barely make out constellations. I see Orion, bright and clear, but everything else is lost in the sea of lights.