Hello dear readers - all 2 of you (maybe less now - it has been a while). I’ve said several times over the past few years that I would return to writing here regularly, but I didn’t. Life just got in the way. You know how that goes….
Well, as it turns out, part of that life recently got out of my way and, suddenly, here I am with a bit more time on my hands than I used to have.
Several people have told me over the past decade that I should start blogging, not knowing I’ve had one since 2006. Hardly any of my friends knew about it because I never told them. They told me to write about my travel and dining experiences, to expand on my short posts from Facebook. I said, “Sure,” but never actually followed through. I never thought anyone would care enough about what I had to say, let alone be any good at writing. A part of me still doesn’t.
Recently, I started writing theater reviews for the La Mirada Blog. I suppose Tony Aiello, the blog’s owner and editor, just wanted more content and was willing to help get me free tickets in return for a few notes on the show. Well, I guess he liked my writing. He wasn’t the first person to tell me that. I’d heard it a handful of times, but they were from my friends and I assume they just said that to be nice. Maybe. Just maybe. I’m not as bad I as think I am.
Well, FUCK IT. I like to write, so I’m gonna do it… even if I think I suck.
I’ve heard that in order to have a successful blog, you have to have a niche. “They” say If you’re interested in a topic, chances are, other people will be too. And I subscribe to that notion. I subscribe to YouTube channels, Instagram pages, and Podcasts that are niche specific. I don’t subscribe to anything in which the topic changes from day to day.
I’m interested in so many things though!!! Budget traveling. Eating Out (not that kind of “eating out”). Arts. Entertainment. Etc. I’d hate it if I had to pick just one. So I’m not. I’m going to keep writing about EVERYTHING I’m interested in. If certain topics resonate with people more than others then I’ll consider creating a blog that is specific to that niche. If there are topics you want me to write more about, let me know. I’m open to suggestions.
I like taking pictures. Rest assured, future posts will contain them (and maybe even videos), but not tonight. Not right now. Sleep calls to me.
Right now, this post is for the readers amongst us.
I haven't updated this blog in YEARS. Be warned. I will be cleaning up this blog over the next few weeks. Posts I now find cringy will be removed. Links will be updated. If you have any suggestions to make this better, please let me know.
Love you all!
Congrats on finding time to do things you enjoy! We need to go eat! It's been a while. :)